Since the Forum's launch in October 2020...
By the Numbers
Our Programs Explore Beauty, Truth and Goodness
33 Public lectures, talks, and panels: top scholars and scientists present all facets of the Catholic tradition
28 Semester courses cover particular topics and skills in depth
4 Full afternoon seminars for students with distinguished visiting faculty
10 Semester reading groups led by Student Fellows: works of Catholic philosophy, theology, and literature
2 Weeklong summer seminars for graduate students taught by top scientists and scholars
15 Sacred Music programs: lectures with liturgy, pre-concert talks, seminars. A Student Schola studies and sings polyphony and chant for student Masses

Our Participants
Some Comments from our Surveys
“This course was essential for linking my (secular) undergrad philosophy education with a Catholic understanding of the soul; it was extremely valuable to explore these concepts in depth with an expert over several hours every other week through the seminar and dinner.”
“Great seminar. I am a young Catholic scientist and sincerely appreciate these opportunities to learn in-depth about the intersection of faith and science.”
“This reading group has come to mean so much more to me than my Harvard classes. I admire the instructor - I only wish someday I could have his intellectual passion, humility, and sense of vocation.”
“Keep these lectures coming! They are so needed in our present myopic society.”

Building Community
A Community of Intellectual Faith and Friendship
15 current Undergraduate and Graduate Student Fellows: a community of intense engagement with faculty, program participants, and each other
3,300 total in person audience at lectures, talks, and sacred music programs 560 total participation in semester courses, seminars, and reading groups
680 total livestream audience, plus 57,000+ views on archived programs
Receptions and dinners enable informal conversation in virtually all programs since 2022
Forum staff integrated into the “In Lumine” Community of Practice, comprising centers of Catholic thought and culture at secular universities nationwide Partners in programming with the Harvard
Catholic Center chaplaincies, the St. Paul’s community and Choir School, other Catholic organizations and institutes, and various Harvard entities